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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

Manuscripts no. 7

Editor/publisher: Harry Tatlock Miller
Contributor: Margaret Preston
Categories: Bookwork / Anthologies, Letterpress Books, Poetry/Proses/Text Works, Printmakers' Books

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Reference no.:H/NL/Anth/Manu/31-35.07 Place/Shelf:3DL

Book title: Manuscripts no. 7
Published by: The Book Nook
Year made: 1933
Place made: Australia
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 195 x 255
Binder: commercial binding
Physical description: soft cover, multi-section, stitched
Medium: poetry, prose, essays / linocuts, reproductions
Further information:
A literary and art criticism magazine published in Geelong, Victoria, Australia 1931-35. Edited (principally) by Harry Tatlock Miller.

"...All real artists live in their day, in the world of their time, and draw their inspiration from it. The Victorians did not do this. The particular conditions—psychological, social and economic—were, in a sense, against them doing so. They either squandered talent for purse of turned the other cheek—from drab reality to day-dreaming romanticism.
If art is 'the direct measure of man's spiritual vision'—then the art of our grandparents reveals them in rather an unpleasant light. what they so sternly and self-righteously taught us and preached we must now sternly decide to unlearn. The parting is inevitable..." H. Tatlock Miller (from the Editorial)

Contributions also from Albert Collins, e. harden, William McKie, J.M. Hannah, John Kaufmann, Ambrose Pratt, W.A. Morrison, Frederick Howard, Frank E. Lane etc.

Editor/publisher: Harry Tatlock Miller
Contributor: Margaret Preston

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IMAGES: Manuscripts no. 7

Manuscripts no. 7 - 1

Manuscripts no. 7 - 2